I CAN FLY International's mission is to provide life-changing opportunities through education to rescued children and youth living within impoverished villages around the world. Our projects and services help children who are affected by early marriages, female genital mutilation, child labor, abandonment and children orphaned by HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Debbie Davidson
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, however you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Dean O'Brien
Heres the problem with the Democrats and the republicans. This is from me. A Conservative. The Democrats wants you to work three months out of the year for free, so you can give my hard earned money to too many people who have excuses. Not everyone, but more than 50%.
Our other party, the Republicans Can't be embarassed.
And some beleive in killing the opposition.
Whats our Choice.
Nikko O'Brien
Currently Woot.com has a sale on 23&Me testing kids if anyone wants to check their heritage! https://www.woot.com/plus/23andme-health-ancestry-kit-or-23andme-membership-bundle-includes-health-an?utm_campaign=Daily+Digest+13+09+21&ref=eml&utm_source=Daily+Digest&utm_medium=email&utm_term=m_1&utm_content=Subheader-B&ref_=pe_3185080_604077880